Day 5 - Prt 2 and Day 6
Running behind in writing so too much stored in my head. Today we journey to Jerusalem.
When we left Caesaria Philippi on monday, we hiked the path of the Jordan. Multiple springs converge at Banias Falls ... huge waterfall surrounded by lush foliage and trees. Amazingly beautiful, of course the 70-80 stone steps rising out of the waterfall overlook back to the plateau was not so refreshing. We then went to the Dan region. DAN is the most Northern spot in Israel, along the Lebanon border. We sat on the temple stairs and learned about this tribe who created this temple of idolatry. Beginning as a temple to the Lord, it was compromised and prostituted adding idols and eventually becoming a temple instead of a synagogue. Described as the most wicked tribe in all of Israel, only 1% of the City of Dan has been excavated. It is amazing how much of the ancient and biblical sites were buried into 749 earthquake. Israel experiences a LARGE earthquake about every 100 years.
We hiked through amazing park-like setting to reach the Dan Temple ruins. With one of the 7 springs that feed the Jordan underfoot the entire way, we balance on rocks were refreshed by the shaded trail and running waters.
We ended our day at the Jordan River. After a short hike we found a clearing away from the tourist park. Chris and Paul invited anyone wanting to be baptized, amazing declaration of faith and renewal. Probably half our group were baptized, some for the first time, some for renewal. It was truly amazing and something I will long remember. Chris Brown was so elated, I\'m not sure his feet ever touched the mud of the Jordan bottom. On one note of interest, the current was so strong a couple of our guys were able to swim against the current as if they were in an endless pool ... never going anywhere. Of course once they stopped, they were whisked downstream.
Yesterday, started with a wonderful boat ride out onto the Galilee. We spent quiet time with God looking out over the surge of waves. As we pulled from dock, they played the Star Spangled Banner and Mick had the privilege of raising the American Flag up next to the Israel flag. During our quiet time we listed to worship music and then heard a message from Pastor Paul. The momentum shifted as our guide Ronan switched to Hava Nagila (Wake up Brother) and taught everyone Jewish dance. You can see the video on Facebook!! We came back to shore under the tune of When the Saints go marching in. Pretty cool morning. As we came off the boat there were crate after crate of fish - Israel Talapia on the docks, something to remember for later in the story.
We traveled to Beit She\'an, meaning House of security. A very important area as it was one of the most important crossroads in Israel, having both north-south access as well as east west. We hiked thru the city gates up to what was Beit She\\\'an. Temperatures were well over 100, so the hike was hot, dusty and not particularly interesting or attractive. As we reached to the top of the tel were the ruins of the city gates. These were the gates were Saul\\\'s body, as well as his son Jonathan\'s body, were hung to prove they were dead. 1 Samuel 31.
As we reached the top of the hill (or maybe it was a mountain - in 100 degree weather, it felt like a mountain) we were told there were 27 levels of civilization under us. Hiking over the top, we came to the excavation site of Beit She\\\'an. Turned to a Roman city, a Las Vegas of its time. Theatre, largest bathhouse in the world, marketplace, etc. Huge! For its time it was a was a place of self-indulgence, temptation and luxury. It has been under excavation for 64 years and is maybe 20% uncovered.
We traveled to Harod Springs at the foot of Mt. Gilboa where the Philistines chased Saul to his death, hence the bodies on the Beit She\'an gates.
And then, and then, and then .....we took the afternoon off! Grilled hotdogs in the park and swam under the waterfalls and huge natural pools in Harod Springs. Beautiful.
Returning to our Kabutz, we had dinner at the Fish House ... A giant grilled fish, eyes and all, laying on a plate, seriously mine was the same one I saw in the crates ... I recognized his eyes.
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